Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Paid To Read Emails...

How to Get Paid to Read Email (GPTRE) (EARN Between $1 to $15 per mail):
Some companies will pay you just to receive and or read e-mail advertisements. You will receive email pertaining to categories you select when you signup. You will have to click a link in the email to be paid for it. Although some don’t mention it, you should stay on the site for 15 –30 seconds to make sure you receive credit for the visit. The reason we list so many Paid to Read companies is we believe they will continue to thrive even in the current advertising recession. We suggest you sign up for all these programs. They’re FREE and they don’t require a lots of effort to use. Consequently you will receive more mails and more money!

How to Get Paid to Click (GPTC) (Earn between $1 to $8 per click):

Paid to click companies are good money earners. These companies will pay you to visit their advertiser’s sites and to sign up for FREE offers from other advertisers. You can only visit so many advertisers in a certain period of time; usually about a dozen advertisers in a 24- hour period of time. This keeps people from visiting the same advertiser’s site over and over to rack up money. This is the main reason we list so many of these companies. You can go down the line and click all the advertisers from each site and make a substantial amount of money. We recommend staying for 30 seconds to ensure you get proper credit)


Kindly go through the Frequently Asked Questions that are mentioned below and read them thoroughly to get the answers of your questions regarding Work on Internet. In case you require any more details feel free to call us at the above mentioned numbers.


You are helping the advertising websites and they are returning you with this favour.They are able to pay you because their advertisers pay them every time they send you a promotion or advertisement. Each advertising websites has a contract with advertisers, that their product should be seen by large number of viewers all over the world. The Email you receive contains advertisement about a product or service or idea. The multinational companies want their advertisements to be viewed by large number of people all over the world. It creates many things like popularity, Brand Loyalty, Better image etc.


No, you are not to buy anything from anyone. These websites pay you to view the advertisements of their advertisers who are advertising on the internet due to its wider worldwide reach. Just like on T.V you view ads but you hardly buy that product. But the more popular its product becomes, it creates market of its own.


All payments will come to you by cheque issued by paypal or strompay. You do not need Credit card/Debit card. You can simply put this cheque into your Savings Bank Account and your Indian Bank will make you payment in Indian Rs.


You can work from your Home if you have computer & internet at home. If you don't have computer at home then you can work from any cyber cafe or browsing center or from your office having internet connection. It is enough if you spend 1 to 2 hours daily.


It depends on the number of hours you work & the number of websites you are registered with. But if you work as per our instructions which we will give you from time to time by sending you an e-mail as to how to increase your earning potential. You will be able to earn good handsome money within very few months of your joining and if you follow our instructions and keep in touch with us through our on-line customer support & help. We have already given earning potential of our plans.

With her baby on her lap, Mrs Pavithra Reddy gets down to work every evening from her eighth floor flat at Banjara Hills, in Hyderabad. Pavithra's job is to click on online advertisements. She doesn't care about the ads, but dilligently keeps count--it's $0.18 to $ 0.35 per click.

A growing number of housewives, college students and even working professionals across metropolitan cities are rushing to click paid Internet ads to make $ 100 to $ 300 per month. "It's exciting, and it is extra money for a couple of hours of clicking weblinks every day." says a resident of Guntur, who has kept a $ 300 target for this month. Traffic to click overseas Internet ad's---from home loans to insurance---is spreading fast in India. "I have no interest in what appears when clicking an ad. I care only whether to pause 60 seconds or 90 seconds, as money is credited if you stay online for a fixed time", says another user......................

Namaskar, This is Ajith Joshi from Delhi. Recently I have taken www.genuineinternetjobs.blogspot.com Kit in March 2007 and I am quite satisfied with the same. I was quite confused as to which inter-net job to choose from so many advertisements in newspapers. But this one solved my problem. Yes, they have all the jobs in One single Kit, at a single price of Rs.990/- I am doing Affiliate Promotion job from the the same and already have recd. first cheque of US $850. Recently my wife has also started inter-net jobs and surfing work available in the same.www.genuineinternetjobs.blogspot.com It's looking quite promising. We thank www.genuineinternetjobs.blogspot.com for providing us with such a option.

Why should I join you?
We have an extensive group of researchers who keep on searching Internet for the websites that offer good income opportunities. We will provide you a list of best available websites that give excellent income opportunities on Internet.


We charge you our consultancy charges as shown below:

Plan-A--Rs 690/- only (CD) which will be sent by Registered Post. /Courier (For PayPal Account holders US $ 19.00 or equivalent) Offer for limited period only.

Plan-B--Rs 990/- only (CD) which will be sent by Registered Post. /Courier (For PayPal Account holders US $ 25.00 or equivalent) Offer for limited period only.

After this you don't have to pay anything since all these Multinational Advertising Websites don't charge anything from you for registration .Once we receive consultancy charges, we will send you the CD by Registered Post/ Courier and instructions on how to operate them. These websites are very simple & can be operated by any educated person.

Imagine living in this home just like I do!

Chapter 4.Other Benefits and Plan Details


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